Welcome BBQ
At the start of Trimester 1, the NZIC Wellington branch held a BBQ to welcome back chemistry students. Homemade ice cream made using liquid nitrogen was also served. This fun event facilitated the coming together of chemistry staff and undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Latest on climate change
On 2 May, NZIC Wellington hosted a fascinating talk by Professor James Renwick, from the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, about climate change and where we are at. Professor Renwick spoke about what is happening with climate change, based on the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and looked at our possible futures and what we can do to get to the good ones and avoid the worst.
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
SCPS hosted University of York MChem students Lewis Wooding and Thomas Pascall doing research with Associate Professors Joanne Harvey and Rob Keyzers from September 2022 until May 2023.
Congratulations to Matthew Brett and Matthew Evans, who graduated with a PhD in chemistry from SCPS in May.
In May, Associate Professor Mattie Timmer published his 100th journal article. Congratulations Mattie on reaching this milestone! This article, published in Inflammation, was titled, “Aryl-functionalised α,α′-trehalose 6,6′-glycolipid induces mincle-independentpyroptotic cell death".
In April Senior Lecturer Dr Mat Anker and students Tylah Sweet, Georgia Richardson, Sophie Unsworth and Finlay Burke attended Dalton 2023 at Warwick University, Coventry, UK. Sophie and Finlay gave poster presentations and Georgia and Tylah delivered oral presentations which were all well received.
Ferrier Research Institute
Congratulations to the following people who completed their PhDs:
Sam Spijkers-Shaw successfully defended his thesis titled, “Heparin and heparan sulfate mimetics towards anti-cancer applications” supervised by Dr Phillip Rendle, Dr Olga Zubkova and Professor John Miller.
Liam Sargison successfully defended his thesis titled, "Modified heparins for bone repair" supervised by Associate Professor Simon Hinkley, Dr Alison Daines and Professor Simon Cool.
Emily Mason successfully defended her thesis titled, “Towards a new class of anti-tuberculosis drugs: design and synthesis of anthranilate phosphoribosyltranferase transition state analogues” supervised by Dr Farah Lamiable-Oulaidi, Professor Emily Parker and Professor Peter Tyler.
Glycosyn celebrates 20-year milestone
Glycosyn has reached a significant milestone, celebrating 20 years of excellence in chemical synthesis! They used this opportunity to refresh their branding and update their website: https://glycosyn.com/.
The joint venture between the Ferrier Research Institute and GlycoSyn is in its eighth year and has built up a reputation for delivery to global clients across a wide range of complex commercial drug development projects.
The Ferrier Research Institute managed to get a new photo of all staff and students.